Monday, July 26, 2010


Welcome friends and family! Ryan and I are thrilled to announce that we are expecting our first bundle of joy, this Valentine's Day, February 14th! Since we don't know the sex yet, we are affectionately calling it "peanut".

I am currently 11 weeks along and both baby and I are doing quite well. We had an ultrasound at 9 weeks and got to hear the heart beat! It was such an amazing experience!
I am counting my blessings every day, as I have been feeling remarkably well. I have not gotten sick at all, just a little queasy feeling if I don't eat often enough. Ryan keeps laughing at me because I am definitely eating more than I used to! A few days ago I went to the kitchen for a snack at 3am because I was so hungry. He's telling everyone that I cook dinner in the middle of the night...such a jokester :)

Everyone keeps asking if we will find out the sex of the baby or be surprised. The answer is that I am too much of a planner to be surprised like that! How would I know how to decorate the nursery or what kind of clothes to buy!? Yes, we will definitely find out. From what I have read, an ultrasound at 20 weeks will give us this answer, and will be sure to keep you posted.

That's all for now. Hope you are all well out there! :)


  1. I am so excited to follow the news on Baby Crossley! Thanks for keeping us informed.
    Much love,
    Auntie Rach ;)

  2. Yay!!! We're adding you to our blogger list on our blog...which means my friends and coworkers will likely follow you as well, haha. Charlie can't wait to teach baby Crossley all the tricks :)

  3. Hi Karen and Ryan! I am so excited about this new little peanut Crossley. I'm happy that you will blog, too, so maybe I won't have to ask so many questions! Great start, thanks so much!
    xoxo and all that lovin,
    Mom C. aka :)mar., soon to be GRANDMA! yay!

  4. Hello beautiful wife-mom-Crossley. Mazel Tov on your little lima bean and very nice blog. If you are accepting suggestions (which I understand you may not be in your delicate pregnant state), I think it needs more pictures of OSU footballs, golf balls, casino chips and monkeys. Talk to you soon. Love Dad and Peanut.

  5. Well this is a lovely blog!! It was great seeing you the other evening. Elyssa really enjoyed meeting you.......what's not to like?? I have been thinking tho....with all the comments on how you seem to be eating at this stage of the game........has the thought of twins ever crossed (no pun intended) your mind???? Or is everyone trying to avoid the subject?:):) I know I said think blue....but there might be room for some pink in there Just exactly how much ARE you eating?? Many hugs, Rani

  6. Thanks for the sweet comments everyone!

    Rani, I enjoyed seeing you as well, and am glad I got to meet Elyssa. She's beautiful, and has a great energy about her...definitely fun! :) Oh yes, the thought of twins did cross my mind, but our 9 week ultrasound showed only one baby and one heartbeat. I wouldn't have been surprised though because my Dad is also a twin. Who knows, maybe next pregnancy! As far as how much I'm eating, not sure how to describe it. I just know I eat a lot more often than I used to but I'm trying to keep the meals on the smaller side and keep them healthy. That doesn't mean the occaisonal dairy queen run is out of the question though...don't deny a pregnant woman her mint oreo blizzard! ;)

  7. oh this is going to be way too much fun to read! i would expect OSU paraphernalia pix to slip in for sure, unless you have a SECRET password Karen! nice to hear from the dad to be as well, though, and look to hear from all 3 of you....yes, even the peanut must have his say....or er...hers?

  8. Don't forget the pickles!!!!

  9. Congratulation, Karen and Ryan! So glad little Peanut is on the way! Best wishes and love always. Joni in Cortland
