Well, you can guess by the lack of posts that things have been pretty calm on the pregnancy front. I am now 15 weeks along, and feeling great for the most part. I made it through the first trimester with hardly any nausea, whew! My hunger has been more under control lately and I'm eating almost as normally as I was before, with a before bedtime snack usually being snuck in there :)
Last Thursday I had an appointment with my new doctor. I switched practices because I wasn't thrilled with the way the first practice operated. With that practice, you only saw a doctor for an ultrasound, and with all other visits you would only see any of the nurse midwives who were available. With this being my first pregnancy, and me being the somewhat neurotic person that I am, I want to be able to see the same doctor every time, and establish a relationship with that doctor. So anyway, I love my new doctor! The checkup went well. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again...fast and strong! Everything is progressing as it should, so I'm happy.
Speaking of progressing, I've beeing weighing myself and checking out my tummy every morning (I told you, somewhat neurotic). So far, I've gained about four pounds, but that's not the big news. The big news is that every morning my tummy looks flat and normal. It slowly gets bigger throughout the day, and I definitely look pregnant by the time dinner's over. But TODAY, I had a little bump this morning! No more flat tummy! Baby's definitely growing :)
Ok, that's all I've got for now. I'm counting down the days until we hit 20 weeks so we can find out if it's a boy or a girl!!! Of course I'll post it here when we find out. Hope you're all doing well out there! Oh yea, GO BUCKS...one week from today!!! :)
hi karen and peanut! glad to read your update....can't wait to see the bump peanut has made:) did you try that flashlight test to see how peanut feels about lights? oh....and those in the know at my work said: "heartburn means a baby with lots of hair; no heartburn means a Q-ball head!" yeah, that's really what they said!!! was there ever a doubt? see you saturday for rental mania. you aren't allowed to paint, are you???