Monday, September 20, 2010

It's a......

GIRL!!!!!!! And a healthy one at that!

Today we went for what is called a level 2 ultrasound. For those of you who don't know, a few weeks ago I decided to have genetic testing done to check my risks for certain genetic disorders. Well everything came back normal, except for my risk of having a baby with down syndrome. My risks were much higher than normal for someone my age. So we were sent to the hospital to have a more detailed ultrasound than what could be done at the doctor's office. They checked for symptoms of down syndrome such as length of limbs and neck, and shape of heart. We are so thrilled and relieved to report that baby is healthy and growing very normally. WHEW!

The ultrasound was amazing! She was so active, I couldn't believe how much she was moving around...and I still can't feel her yet! She was kicking up a storm and at one point it even looked like she was moving her arms and legs as if she were running.

When the doctor saw that baby was a girl, he told Ryan to put some shells in his shotgun (ya know, to fend off the boys)! Below are some pictures for you.

It's harder to see on here but it looks like she's signing "I love you"!

Showing leg...


We got lucky and got to have some 4-D pictures. If we took these pictures around 36 to 38 weeks we could really see her facial features!

Movin' and groovin'

Hand on dramatic ;)

That's it for now. Hope you are all well out there in internet land! :)


  1. Yay!!! Can't wait to meet the little lady :) Although she'll have to be tough to keep up with the Collevechio boys haha.

  2. Nice profile!! Graceful arm!! Good leg!! Cute-sy tootsies!! And, ahh, healthy. Just lovely! xoxo. Joni in Cortland
