You probably already know, but Hannah Rose was born February 14th (on her due date!) at 5:06 pm. She was 6 lbs 14 oz, and 20 1/4 inches long.
My labor began around 4am that morning. Trying to tough it out, and also not really sure if they were labor pains, I hung around the house for a while. Ryan got up and got ready for work, but we decided he probably wouldnt make it in today ;). He stayed close and worked a little from home, then we finally decided it was time to go around 9:30 am. By the time they checked me in at the hospital, I was dialated 5 cm. I was just happy I was far enough along to not be sent home! They took me to my labor room and about an hour later I asked for the epidural. Thank goodness for that! Once the epidural kicked in, I felt zero pain or pressure! When the nurse said it was time to push (I couldn't even feel that!) I pushed for 20 min, and our little girl was here!!!
I know it's been 5 weeks since she's been born, but I'm finally getting around to posting pictures! Here are some from the hospital.
How appropriate is that sign?! |
Yay for epidurals and ice chips! |
Sorry, might be a little x-rated for some, but I liked how Mom caught my reaction on film. |
Hannah's Great Grandma Lorraine and Grandpa Bob (my Mom's parents) |
Four generations :) |
Hannah's other Great Grandparent's, Bill and Rosalie (my Dad's side) |
LOVE it is! and happiness:)