Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hannah Rose

You probably already know, but Hannah Rose was born February 14th (on her due date!) at 5:06 pm.  She was 6 lbs 14 oz, and 20 1/4 inches long. 

My labor began around 4am that morning.  Trying to tough it out, and also not really sure if they were labor pains, I hung around the house for a while.  Ryan got up and got ready for work, but we decided he probably wouldnt make it in today ;).  He stayed close and worked a little from home, then we finally decided it was time to go around 9:30 am.  By the time they checked me in at the hospital, I was dialated 5 cm.  I was just happy I was far enough along to not be sent home!  They took me to my labor room and about an hour later I asked for the epidural.  Thank goodness for that!  Once the epidural kicked in, I felt zero pain or pressure!  When the nurse said it was time to push (I couldn't even feel that!) I pushed for 20 min, and our little girl was here!!!

I know it's been 5 weeks since she's been born, but I'm finally getting around to posting pictures!  Here are some from the hospital.

How appropriate is that sign?!

Yay for epidurals and ice chips!

Sorry, might be a little x-rated for some, but I liked how Mom caught my reaction on film.

Hannah's Great Grandma Lorraine and Grandpa Bob (my Mom's parents)

Four generations :)

Hannah's other Great Grandparent's, Bill and Rosalie (my Dad's side)


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